Tuesday, April 16, 2013

bugRIGHT ... Made in Oklahoma!

Even when the temperature disagrees with the calendar, spring has come to Oklahoma. Most people spend more time outside, enjoying everything this great state has to offer. With that, of course, comes another of Oklahoma’s offerings: creepy, crawly critters. But now there is a natural solution for Oklahomans and their pets – an organic, non-poisonous beg repellant called bugRIGHT. Even better, it’s made in Oklahoma!

bugRIGHT products are natural and safe for people, pets and the environment. The bug repellant powder utilizes natural ingredients, including essential oils, to kill bugs and discourage future infestations. According to inventor Paul Goss, essential plant oils attack the central nervous systems of insects, killing them within a few hours. These same dosage amounts are harmless to humans, birds and mammals, and the environment. bugRIGHT utilizes clove thyme and wintergreen essential oils, along with soybean oil, diatomaceous earth, sodium chloride (table salt), sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) and 2-phenethyl propionate (a derivative of peanut oil).

It is difficult for many to find a balance between a nice lawn and a safe environment for pets. Vegetable gardens are most abundant when free of pests like squash bugs. The same is true for inside spaces. No one wants to live with ants, fleas, roaches, scorpions or ticks. And bugRIGHT offers an option. It is important to note that a study presented in the January 2012 issue of the Environmental Research journal found that exposure to professionally-applied lawn pesticides was shown to a significantly higher risk – 70 percent – of canine malignant lymphoma (CML). While the study did not contain many specifics, there was enough information provided in the results to raise a red flag. And there is certainly enough concern to show a link between CML and pesticides. In reporting the study, Whole Dog Journal noted that dogs “can serve as sentinels for human disease because they are our close companions and are subjected to many of the same environmental influences.” The article, authored by Barbara Dobbins goes on to say that while the goal of the study was “to identify risk factors for CML from exposure to environmental chemicals … for humans,” it is important to note that canines and humans experience different exposures to lawn care products. Humans generally do not come in direct contact while dogs – their bodies and their toys – do.

Goss and his wife, Freda, developed bugRIGHT after they recognized their own need for a nontoxic alternative to garden chemicals. bugRIGHT is safe to use inside and out and even directly on pets. While made of food-grade materials, bugRIGHT should still be kept away from children and pets and should not be ingested. The dust from bugRIGHT powder could be irritating to respiratory systems and because the product contains essential plant oils, it may cause reactions in those sensitive to fragrances.

bugRIGHT comes in two containers so users may select method of delivery.

The 11-ounce shaker canister (suggested retail $15) is best for spreading evenly on gardens or carpeted areas.

The puffer bottle of the same size and price allows the powder to be directed where needed – crevices, corners, under furniture and appliances. bugRIGHT must be re-applied if it gets wet and the makers recommend testing it on carpets and other materials to make sure it does not stain.

bugRIGHT is available at stores throughout northeastern Oklahoma. Distribution is expanding east. To find out where you can buy bugRIGHT and to read more about the product, it's history and plans for the future, visit bugRIGHT

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